As external auditors, we provide advice to senior management for the improvement of the control environment, accounting and information systems, through a personalized and professional service in the application of modern auditing, accounting and administrative outsourcing techniques. Los servicios que ofrecemos son los siguientes:
- External audit of financial statements.
- Limited audits related to account transactions or specific items of the financial statements.
- Compliance audits.
- Internal control system audits.
- Tax audits.
- Forensic audits.
- Other technical studies linked to the financial, operational, fiscal and legal information of companies.
Business organizations, non-governmental organizations and public institutions are obliged by their respective markets, users or beneficiaries to improve their competitive capacity and quality of the goods and services offered. These demands lead to a greater demand for private consulting services with proven experience to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your current operation, as well as to promote and develop expansion projects that require medium and long-term reforms, mergers, acquisitions and financial planning.
In response to our objective of assisting the management of societies in achieving a more efficient administration, we provide external internal audit services that involve the following:
- Evaluation and design of the organizational structure.
- Evaluation of accounting and cost systems.
- Design and implementation of accounting, administrative, operational and financial policies and procedures.
- Design of internal audit manuals.
- Performance of operational audits.
- Diagnostics in operational, accounting and financial areas.
Society processes are evaluated by evaluating exceptions, accounting irregularities and behavior patterns that are considered abnormal, obtaining evidence of allegedly criminal acts that may cause harm.
Asturias y Asociados, has emphasized a comprehensive accounting outsourcing service, covering financial - accounting and tax advice. With a broad participation of our human resources, we direct our efforts to meet the needs of support in accounting and financial administrative services, assisting the management in achieving effective administration and maximizing the added value of our professional services provided. The services we offer in the accounting field are the following:
- Compilation of financial statements.
- Fingering and preparation of financial information - accounting.
- Restructuring and accounting debugging.
- Preparation and submission of tax returns.
- Legal book update.
- Preparation of payrolls, bank reconciliations and reconciliations of several accounts.
- Update of auxiliaries (Inventories, accounts receivable and payable, fixed assets, among others).
- Tax and labor advice.
- Preparation of specific reports required by Financial Institutions and tax authorities, etc.
- Conversion of financial statements to foreign currency.
- Financial statement revisions.
With the direct competition of professionals in law associated with our Firm, we support our clients in the legal area. We assist our clients in events related to reorganizations, financial transactions, contract subscriptions, agreements, etc. The legal advice services we offer are the following:
- Attention of legal consultations in the field: civil, commercial, labor and fiscal.
- Review of contracts and representation, distribution and other agreements.
- Signature Authentication.
- Extrajudicial and judicial charges.
- Constitution of societies.
- Certifications
Our current tax legislation has established a series of significant penalties and fines, for breach of duties or irregular actions of taxpayers. This circumstance has persuaded natural and legal persons to have frequent, timely and reliable professional tax advice. Knowing technically the tax shields that may be available will mean savings that will translate into competitive advantages at the national level. The services we offer in this area are the following:
- Tax planning
- Tax Claims
- Permanent Tax Advice
- Analysis and design of positions.
- Organizational climate analysis.
- Development and formulation of projects in human resources.
- Stress management in organizations.
- Analysis of training needs.
- Performance evaluation.
- Human resources planning.
- Staff pick.
Customer service is a powerful marketing tool. Customers demand it and companies claim they have it, but do they really understand it? What is it about? Customer service is a priority. Customer service is anything the customer thinks it is. One customer could see it expressed in quality products and good prices, another could see it as the quick response time, while another could define it as a feature that distinguishes friendly and intelligent employees. Customer service covers all these things and much more.
Sales techniques are a set of tools that will allow the seller and companies to offer their products in such a way that they reach the customer's need or create this need. Selling is the process by which the seller finds out and activates the needs and / or wishes of the buyer and satisfies them with mutual and continuous advantages or benefits for both parties. Learn the best kept secrets and how to break the sales resistance barrier.
It is the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, to motivate and manage emotions well, in ourselves and in our relationships. In companies, according to a national survey in the USA, in addition to having technical skills in the workers who enter, it is sought that they meet some aspects of emotional intelligence, it can be said that they must also meet the following characteristics:
- Know how to listen and communicate orally.
- Adaptability and creative responses to obstacles and setbacks.
- Personal mastery, self confidence, motivation to work towards an objective, desire to develop the career and take pride in what has been achieved.
- Group and interpersonal effectiveness, spirit of collaboration and team, ability to negotiate disagreements.
- Effectiveness in the organization, desire to contribute, potential for leadership.
Teamwork involves a group of people working in a coordinated manner in the execution of a task. It has become almost the only way to work. The interdependence of people and organizations requires teamwork. First of all we must differentiate between team and work group. Only if they have common objectives, processes and plans can a group of people be considered a team. In other cases, they form a working group. This knowledge will help us understand how to achieve high performance of our organization through teamwork.
Motivation is usually defined as the process by which behavior is energized and directed towards a specific goal or goals. Change strategies can be designed and implemented within their organizational contexts in order to improve the productivity and excellence of the individual in the management development process, thus contributing excellence in the development of the company.
Financial capital budgeting
It is a very useful tool for decision making by financial managers, since an analysis is anticipated in the future and can avoid possible deviations and long-term problems. Economic evaluation techniques are tools of general use. The same can be applied to industrial, hotel, services, investments, and investments in information technology.
Company Valuation
Valuing companies is increasingly necessary due mainly to the increase in functions and acquisitions in recent years. The valuation of the company can be defined as the process by which the quantification of the elements that constitute the patrimony of the company, its activity, its potential or any other characteristic of the same that can be valued is sought.